“We are sending…

“We are sending you to that Great God.
Tell Him that we who invented forgiveness do not forgive; That we, who speak of trust cannot trust;
That we, who invoke faith would not believe.

I write as though you could read.
But I know you understand.
When you have left the forests and tundras
and no longer leave your sinewy trails within the snows,
Tell Him that you were made on a different day.

Your howls of bewilderment will echo
with the mountain winds.
And your songs will join those of the whales.
Tell Him for me,
“Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”
O. Fred Donaldson

Thru Wild Eyes

Welcome to Performance Horse Photography’s and Laura’s blog page – “Of Wild Horses and Wolves – Thru Wild Eyes.”

I’ve wanted to be able to take you on some of my journeys when I am out photographing wildlife and more, wanted to share the moment with you, the emotions – but was unsure of how to do that until now.

All animals have something to share with us; valuable lessons.  If we will simply just take the time to listen.  To see the world through their eyes.

I hope that you will join me as I document the wild animals that I see on my journeys.  From time to time I may take steps back to prior years and add them here too.  A way to help me also remember special moments.